
橙郡華人基督教會成立于2003年11月,當時是紐約橙郡唯一的華人基督教 會。我們的使命,是提供當地一個用華語敬拜聚會的場所、家庭和青 培育團契活動的中心、以及當地華人福音的管道。   教會成立前,十多年中,是一個家庭查經團契組織。歷年來帶領不少 識基督真神。盡我們的力量,也參與其他教會對外宣教工作。  教會現在是借用 Monroe 鎮路得教會聚會。正在成長與發展中。   本教會雖然不屬於任何宗派,但確信聖經為神的話; 耶穌基督是三位一體真神;經過,罪人得救贖; 守洗禮與聖餐兩聖禮,等候基督再來。   Orange County Chinese Christian Church was established in Monroe, NY in November of 2003. At that time, it was the only Chinese speaking church in Orange County. Our mission is to offer a Chinese speaking place for worship, a fellowship and activity center for families, youths and children, and a facility for gospel outreach. For more than ten years prior to the church’s establishment, we were a Chinese speaking bible-study fellowship. We are now using the facility provided by the St. Paul Lutheran Church in Monroe, NY. We are a non-denominational church. We believe that the Bible is the only authority and is given by the inspiration of God. We believe the Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit are one God in three persons. Jesus Christ is the only way; through Him sinners are saved and avoid condemnation. We partake of the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Table. We are waiting for the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Please Take Note that OCCCF.ORG  has changed to OCCCCNY.ORG. Please update the address.


Land for Future OCCCC Building –Click on photo to show next photo

48 Cheechunk Rd. Goshen NY 

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現借用St. Paul Lutheran Church

21 Still Road

Monroe, NY


please use通訊地址 P.O. Box 362, Monroe NY 10949
